Monday, October 14, 2013

Bartlett Yancey to Celebrate Food Day on October 24

Food Day is coming up on Thursday, Oct. 24 and Caswell County students will be joining the fun. According to the Food Day website, this day “is a nationwide celebration of healthy, affordable, and sustainably produced food and a grassroots campaign for better food policies.”

The goal of Food Day is to increase awareness of “eating real.” This means cutting back on processed and packaged foods and eating food that is grown fresh and locally. Across the nation, over 3,000 events will take place to gain support for more sustainable and healthier eating habits.

Here in Caswell County, Barlett Yancey High School will be celebrating all week through engaged learning activities that will introduce students to local farmers, encourage healthy eating habits and learn about eating locally.

Beginning Oct. 22, guest speakers will be presenting to classes about various topics that correlate with the current curriculum. Speakers include Sonya Patterson, agent with the Caswell Cooperative Extension, Penny Crumpton, dietician with Caswell County Medical Center, and Maribeth Howe, family and consumer teacher at Barlett Yancey. These speakers will instruct students on sustainable agriculture practices, using food as medicine, cooking demonstrations, bee caring, cheese making and much more.

The week’s highlight will be Food Day on Thursday, Oct. 24. Tables will be set up in the school’s senior station for three hours during the lunch period so students can interact one-on-one with guest speakers.

Food Day is a great day to appreciate all the local produce that is grown in Caswell County. Take some time on Oct. 24 to visit a local farm or make your own locally sourced meal to celebrate. For more information on Food Day, you can visit

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